Primary target: Save the World

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Movie Aksharaya: What a damn meaningless story!

I was watching the Sinhala movie Aksharaya a little while ago and I couldn’t stop myself writing a criticism condemning the shitty nature of the story. A summary of the climax is that an approximately a ten years old son of a Magistrate (the mother) accidentally kills a prostitute and Magistrate with the help of a security guard hides him from police to prevent him from taking him into custody. Even though the movie attempts to unfold as an elegant story, the way the script writer had narrated the story is far from reality which indeed does not give any message or lesson to the society at all.

Motion pictures are one media which gears with the object of working for the betterment of the society. There has to be an effective plain message rectifying certain evil sides of the society. The problem with this story is that it lacks realism because it takes the viewer to a never arising situation in a human society (those who watch X-files and Star wars, yes I clearly distinguish this movie from such stories). Hence the conclusion of the movie gives no meaningful message to the viewer.

Further more it’s shocking to see an approximately 30 years old woman getting naked in front of around 10 years old boy. One may say this is a common phenomenon in English movies etc etc. But in English movies if you observe very considerately it is quite evident that it will never show a person getting naked per se in front of a child. It may show that the person gets naked in one frame and the naked person meeting the child in another frame. But the idiots of the movie Aksharaya openly shows the woman completely removes her clothe in front of the child.

What is really disturbing to me is the way the minds of the creators of this story think. The movie at the very end reveals the nasty and wicked character of the mother by telling that the mother had sex with her father (child’s grand father) to become the lady of the house, but the father never knew the mother was his daughter. And further more the 10 years old child of the mother desires to see his mother’s breast and nipples and wants to suck it all the time and apparently the mother enjoys it as well. I’m really disgusted with the creators of this story for attempting to deliver such nasty chain of events to the society because as far as all of us aware even though the present society is evil, it is not evil to the extent this movie tries to describe.

I think the creators of this story should be given with some really good free porn websites. If they do not have internet then I think someone should help with them giving some classy porn CD’s because this sort of stories coming out from minds which lacked proper sexual amusement at the time when it seriously needed.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Jathika Hela Urumaya and its religious shield
Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) the first ever political party established with the purpose of making Sri Lanka a “Dharma Raajya” has now become the talk of the country. There are many attributes we can think of in a Dharma Raajya such as transparency, democracy, sincerity, free of corruption and truthfulness. The Leader of the opposition made a shocking revelation about the Leader of the JHU and if these revelations are true, then they itself go against the primary purposes of JHU established for.

My problem is not whether the allegations made by Ranil are true or not but the way the JHU answered and shield from these allegations. One thing I would like to remind the JHU is that they are a registered Political Party of Sri Lanka and they will as political establishments will at all times be rival and question the conduct of the other political parties/establishments of Sri Lanka. Likewise all the other political parties and the general public have a right to probe and question the activities of the JHU. Of course the JHU differs from the other political parties of Sri Lanka as it mainly consists of Buddhist Monks. Nevertheless a person irrespective of his current social position once enters in to the political arena unavoidably become a political activist and will be equaled to other active politicians. Every politician has the right to criticize the conduct of other rival politicians on valid reasonable grounds and my emphasis is that the JHU monks are no exception and subjected to this rule.

Lots and lots of allegations were made against the JHU by the UNP under the leadership of idiotic Ranil. But what did the JHU do? They failed to reply any of the allegations made by the UNP with clarity. What in fact happened was that the JHU constantly put the religion in front to shield from these allegations. The JHU repeatedly stated that the allegations are against the entire Buddhist monks. I as a Buddhist highly disappointed with the way the JHU operated to respond the allegations and the truth is that the JHU use religion as a tool to protect from the allegations and criticism by rival political parties.

Religion is one institution and politics is a completely different institution. Religion could be used as an instrument to direct the politics of the country in the correct path. Nevertheless it shall always bear in mind that religion and politics should not be blended or mixed together. What the JHU has done so far is whenever the things at the political arena go against them; they always put the religion forward to strengthen and protect their political character.

Finally I would like to mention that once a person enters in to politics he gains a dual identity. That is his personal identity and political identity. In the case of monks their personal identity is the religious identity and they cannot use the religious identity to cover and protect their political identity. That will be the greatest disgrace any religion.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

The NGOs and Sri Lanka's International Recognition

The activeness of NGO's in Sri Lanka is full of life especially in issues related to ongoing ethnic conflict and other relevant matters. Whether their intention for such activeness is bona fide or malafide or just to promote their hidden agendas, it causes a substantial influence in government's decision making. The vulnerability of the Government before the International is so high due to the statements release by several NGO's. Such statements are potential enough to deteriorate the image of the Government before the international community.

My question is whether the NGOs who are authorized by the government to operate within the boundaries of Sri Lanka should they work to sustain the image of the Country or for its destruction. Of course the context I am talking about is Sri Lanka and its International recognition and the role of NGOs. The point I am trying to highlight is should the NGO’s work together with the State when it comes to matters related to countries International affairs or should they just work to fulfill their objectives without any concern about the recognition of the country.

It is true that every organization has the freedom to operate so as to achieve its objectives. Nevertheless are the NGO’s allowed to achieve its objectives while they ruining the Image of the Country? Sri Lankan Government is attempting to develop the country amidst a 23 years old, still continuing ethnic conflict. In such a situation the NGO’s are causing unnecessary hindrances to the smooth flow of the government. The best example is the recent resolution attempted to pass by the European Parliament on deterioration of Human Rights in Sri Lanka. Fortunately Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe together with the Solicitor General managed to prevent the resolution taking up in European Parliament. It was revealed later that this resolution was motivated by certain NGOs operate in Sri Lanka.

The consequences of such a resolution are fundamentally bad. Sri Lanka is a country which is in a dire need of foreign investments and aids. If this resolution happened to be passed, then a lot of investors will hesitate invest in Sri Lanka which will result badly on countries economy. Statistics prove that the NGOs are only assisting selected groups (Ex: Internally Displaced Persons) whereas the Government does the substantial part. The Government should look after the needs of every citizen of this country. If this resolution was passed, then a countless amount of foreign aid supposed to be granted to Sri Lanka would have stopped and the Government of Sri Lanka will find its way hard to provide the adequacies to the citizens of the country.

I would also like to draw your attention to the facts discovered following the operations by the forces in eastern and how the NGOs had helped the needy people.

Hence I would like to urge the NGO community to think twice before they work against the Government in the international arena.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Shocking sight at a Five Star Hotel

After quite a long time due to my exams and other personal matters, I was invited by some of my close friends to have dinner at Excel World (earlier Millennium Park). Since it was a Friday and knowing the type of friends and their knack for changing sudden plans, I had a little doubt whether this will turn out to be a clubbin session as well. In fact my doubt became a reality because of the amount of money we had in our pockets and availability of enough cars to accommodate all the people. We went to one of the night clubs located within the premises of a five star hotel, and waited there until at around 12.30a.m and decided to move to another place. I was waiting with my friends in the lobby until our cars were brought back from the car park.

While we were in the lobby, a couple arrived to the reception with an approximately 3 years old male child. The couple was a mix couple and my guess is that mother was Sri Lankan though she had an Indian look and since father had a white skin, may be from the USA or UK or etc. 3 years old child looked like his mother so had a dark skin. Now to the awe-inspiring scene, father had a Carlsberg beer can in his hand and it was open. They were talking something with the receptionist and this little kid was running all over the lobby shouting and yelling out funny words. While he was running, father was signing some documents so his beer can was kept on the receptionist's table. Suddenly this little kid ran up to his beer can and started to drink it. Father and mother both had a gaze at this little kid's conduct so I thought definitely the child will be badly warned or may be spanked because the child behaved like he is in a comprehendible age to understand that beer at this age is wrong. BUT proving all my assumptions were wrong, the question asked by his mother which obviously stunned and shocked me is that "darling are you thirsty?" (a huge WTF? ran across my head) and this was asked by her while she was watching her little child drinking beer. The child didn't reply, but he had two or three sips and continued his running.

I assume for most of the people here this won't be a big issue. May be some of you all had drank beer at that age. But drinking beer at the said age with parent's consent really surprised me. May be since her husband being a foreigner, this could be a trivial issue for her. My age is 21; all my friends who go out with me are between 19-25. Still we take all the maximum precautions to avoid parent's detection when we are doing such an activity. I don't know, may be that is because I being Sinhalese and our cultural values under which we brought up are different or conservative. One can argue that i don't have a right to impose my cultural values on others. But i would like to take an objective approach to determine the correctness of that mother's conduct. This my first entry :-) will be seen as a throw away entry for most of the people who read this. I'm really sorry. But still it's startling and astonishing for me.

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