Primary target: Save the World

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Movie Aksharaya: What a damn meaningless story!

I was watching the Sinhala movie Aksharaya a little while ago and I couldn’t stop myself writing a criticism condemning the shitty nature of the story. A summary of the climax is that an approximately a ten years old son of a Magistrate (the mother) accidentally kills a prostitute and Magistrate with the help of a security guard hides him from police to prevent him from taking him into custody. Even though the movie attempts to unfold as an elegant story, the way the script writer had narrated the story is far from reality which indeed does not give any message or lesson to the society at all.

Motion pictures are one media which gears with the object of working for the betterment of the society. There has to be an effective plain message rectifying certain evil sides of the society. The problem with this story is that it lacks realism because it takes the viewer to a never arising situation in a human society (those who watch X-files and Star wars, yes I clearly distinguish this movie from such stories). Hence the conclusion of the movie gives no meaningful message to the viewer.

Further more it’s shocking to see an approximately 30 years old woman getting naked in front of around 10 years old boy. One may say this is a common phenomenon in English movies etc etc. But in English movies if you observe very considerately it is quite evident that it will never show a person getting naked per se in front of a child. It may show that the person gets naked in one frame and the naked person meeting the child in another frame. But the idiots of the movie Aksharaya openly shows the woman completely removes her clothe in front of the child.

What is really disturbing to me is the way the minds of the creators of this story think. The movie at the very end reveals the nasty and wicked character of the mother by telling that the mother had sex with her father (child’s grand father) to become the lady of the house, but the father never knew the mother was his daughter. And further more the 10 years old child of the mother desires to see his mother’s breast and nipples and wants to suck it all the time and apparently the mother enjoys it as well. I’m really disgusted with the creators of this story for attempting to deliver such nasty chain of events to the society because as far as all of us aware even though the present society is evil, it is not evil to the extent this movie tries to describe.

I think the creators of this story should be given with some really good free porn websites. If they do not have internet then I think someone should help with them giving some classy porn CD’s because this sort of stories coming out from minds which lacked proper sexual amusement at the time when it seriously needed.
